Today the SHOW Horse Industry Organization (HIO) commented on recently posted inspections results by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the 75th Tennessee Walking Horse Celebration.  Last week, SHOW released the industry’s inspection results from the event, the details of which are below.
“Working with the USDA we are making incredible progress in ensuring that the walking horse is protected and the integrity of the sport maintained,” said SHOW HIO Head Designated Qualified Person (DQP) Mitchell Butler.
2013 Celebration USDA Inspection Numbers
Horses Inspected Pre and Post-Show – 1,952
Total Violations – 110
Compliance Rate – 94%
There was a 33% drop in violations from 2012 when the USDA found 166 violations for a 9% violation rate.  In 2011, the USDA found 203 violations for a 9.5% violation rate.
2013 Celebration Industry Inspection Results
Horses Inspected Pre and Post-Show – 2,087
Total Violations – 31 (30 horses, 6 non-Horse Protection Act violations)
Compliance Rate – 98.4%
There was a 46% drop in disqualifications this year compared to 2012 in which 56 horses were disqualified at The Celebration.
Walking Horse Inspections Background

The following is some background on the inspection process:

•      Every horse at The Celebration is inspected by SHOW HIO’s Designated Qualified Persons (DQPs).  The USDA can and does inspect horses that the department feels need to be inspected.

•      Horses can be disqualified for equipment that is the wrong size, existence of a scar or callous, evidence of a foreign substance, among other things.  There are many violations that a horse can get that are not indicative of soring.

•      DQPs are trained and regulated by the USDA. 

•      DQPs can issue a violation, which keeps the horse from showing.  Violations can also carry penalties.

•      No other breed in the equine industry is inspected as thoroughly as the Tennessee walking horse and no other breed has a compliance rate as high as the walking horse.

•      Walking horses are one of the healthiest equine breeds showing longer than most breeds, living longer and also less injuries in the ring.
SHOW is the HIO that manages inspections at The Celebration, in partnership with the USDA.  SHOW HIO has the strictest inspections in the walking horse industry, and the harshest penalties, even tougher than the USDA.  Last year, reformers in the industry set out to get as many shows as possible inspected by one HIO and this year, which SHOW did for more than 85% of the walking horse shows were.