CARTER COUNTY SHRINE CLUB HORSE SHOW: Located in Olive Hill, KY. For more information contact Mike Hancock at 606-474-0117 (home).

Friday, August 5 – 7:00 pm

1.        Stick Horse (rider 6 & Under)

2.        Spotted Saddle Horse Trail Pleasure (western tack & attire)

3.        Two Year Old Amateur Walking Horse

4.        Tri-State Pleasure Horse (walk & favorite gait)

5.        Walking Pony (17 & under as 1/1/11)

6.        Youth Racking Horse (17 & under as 1/1/11)

7.        Country Pleasure Racking

8.        Spotted Saddle Horse – Lite Shod

9.        KWHA Ladies Auxiliary Specialty (must meet Ladies’ Auxiliary Rules)

10.     Juvenile Walking (11 years & under as of 1/1/11)

11.     Trail Pleasure Mule (walk & favorite gait)

12.     Specialty Action Device Youth Racking Horse (17 & under as of 1/1/11)

13.     Park Performance Walking Horse Specialty (pads not to exceed 1” thick)

14.     Open Amateur Racking Horse

15.     Open Amateur Specialty Walking Horse

16.     Plantation Pleasure Specialty Open

17.     Ladies Amateur Walking Horse Specialty

18.     Style Racking Horse Open

19.     Show Pleasure Amateur Specialty Walking Horse

20.     Open Ladies Trail Pleasure Racking Horse

21.     Juvenile 12 to 17 Under Specialty Walking Horse  (as of 1/1/11, no stallions)

22.     Juvenile Spotted Saddle Horse Trail Pleasure (17 & under as 1/1/11)

23.     Novice Amateur Walking Horse Specialty (rider to have never won a blue ribbon in any amateur class, excluding one rider to judge)

24.     Specialty Action Device Amateur Racking Horse

25.     Three Year Old Amateur Walking Horse

26.     Ladies Racking

27.     Amateur Owned & Trained Spotted Saddle Horse (lite shod)

28.     Four Year Old Amateur Specialty Walking Horse

29.     Amateur 15.2 & Under Walking Horse Specialty

30.     Spotted Saddle Horse Championship (open shod)


Exhibitors Party Friday Night

Saturday, August 6 – 6:00 pm


31.     Specialty Action Device Open Racking Horse

32.     Carter County Trail Riders - Open

33.     Country Pleasure Racking Horse

34.     Country Pleasure Walking Horse (Entries in this class are not eligible to show in any of the Lite Shod, Plantation or Amateur Trail Pleasure Classes at the same show)

35.     Park Performance Amateur Rider Walking Horse Specialty (pad not to exceed 1 inch thickness)

36.     Amateur Owned & Trained Racking Horse

37.     Open Show Pleasure Specialty Walking

38.     Two Year Old Open Walking Horse

39.     Trail Pleasure Racking Horse

40.     15.2 & Under Walking Horse Specialty

41.     Youth Trail Pleasure Racking (17 yrs & under as of 1/1/11)

42.     Lead Line (6 yrs & under, no stallions) not judged

43.     Three Year Old Open Walking Horse

44.     Open Flat Shod Racking Horse

45.     Walking Pony Open Specialty

46.     Walking Yearling Halter

47.     Specialty Action Device Amateur Owned & Trained Racking Horse

48.     Amateur Owned & Trained Walking Horse Specialty

49.     Specialty Action Device Ladies Racking Horse

50.     Ladies Amateur Walking Horse Specialty

51.     Speed Racking Horse Open

52.     Four Year Old Open Walking Horse Specialty

53.     Specialty Action Device Amateur Racking Horse Championship

54.     Amateur Open Walking Horse Championship Specialty

55.     Specialty Action Device Racking Horse Championship

56.     Open Racking Horse Championship

57.     Open Walking Horse Championship


Entry Fees

1 ~ Free – Payback ~ Trophy & Ribbons

2-29, 31-41 43-52 ~ $25 – Payback ~ $60, $30, $20, $15, Ribbon

42 ~ Free – Payback ~ Trophy, T-Shirt, Ribbon

53-55 ~ $50 – Payback ~ $150, $75, $50, $25, Ribbon

56-57 ~ $75 – Payback ~ $300, $200, $150, $100, $50, Ribbons


Stall Reservations - $10 per night & MUST be paid in advance.  Contact Louis Kiser at 606-474-8974 or 606-225-1700.  All electric hookups available for $15 per night.


Under Kentucky Law, a farm animal activity sponsor, or other person, or farm animal professional does not have the duty to eliminate all risks of the participation in farm animal activities.  There are inherent risks to injury that you voluntarily accept f you participate in farm animal activities.


Persons on federal disqualification cannot transport horses to this show and can participate only as a spectator





Central KY Horse Show Assoc; Central KY Racking Horse Assoc; Eastern KY Walking & Racking Assoc; Ohio Walking & Racking Horse Assoc; Ohio Valley Walking Horse Assoc; Spotted Saddle Horse Assoc of KY; Racking Horse Breeders Assoc; KY-HIO


Show Manager

Ralph Lowe

PO Box 499

Olive Hill, KY 41164



Show Secretary

Bonnie Hall

57 Black Oak Rd

Olive Hill, KY 41164

