(Editor's Note: The following was sent to The Walking Horse Report from the Kentucky HIO)
January 15, 2009
Memo To: KYHIO Judges and Applicants
From: Duane Rector – KYHIO Oversight Committee
The following are the procedural changes that will be in place, effective immediately in regards to KYHIO judges. We would like to thank you for being an integral part of the KYHIO and look forward to your continued participation.
A. Effective January 1, 2009 all approved judges will be required to attend a judge’s clinic once every two years.
B. A judging clinic will be held on February 7, 2009 at Spring Hills Suites (by Marriott) 865 South Broadway Lexington, Kentucky and beginning at 8:00AM EST.
C. The next clinic will be held in 2010 at an announced site in East Tennessee. Those who do not participate in the 2009 clinic will be grandfathered in but must attend in 2010 in order to maintain their judge’s license.
D. This policy is in effect for all currently licensed Ky-HIO judges.ALL prospective (NEW APPLICANTS) judges will need to attend the clinic on February 7, 2009 to secure their license.
KYHIO judges will be eligible to judge both KYHIO and NHSC shows, as they wil be listed on the combined judges lists. Checks need to be made the KYHIO ($100).
Duane Rector