Stable Decorating Contest names winners for 2019

The Shelbyville-Bedford County Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with The Celebration, present its annual Stable Decorating Contest awards on championship weekend. 

Several stables entered the competition, and those entries were judged on elegance, taste, beauty, equine décor, work efficiency and a pleasant and inviting appearance with a friendly atmosphere. 

There are three divisions for the contest, with winners awarded in all three categories. Division A of the contest is for horse stables on the Celebration grounds. Division B is for horse stables not on the grounds (1 6) and Division C is for horse stables no on the grounds (6-plus).

This year’s winners follow:

Division A
1st — Dry Dock Stables, Debbie Wells, Larry Heider, Hank and Charlene Wilson
2nd — Leatherwood Stable, Hope Jenné
3rd — Leigh Stuart Stables

Division B
1st — Milly Player and Darlene Buckner
2nd — Sunset Farms, Amanda, Justin and Walker Mannis

Division C
1st — Legacy Stables, Dee and Charles Yoder
2nd — Dickie and Misti Gardner
3rd — Five Star Farms, Diane Givens