Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL-3) announced he will not seek reelection and will retire from Congress in January 2021.  Yoho pledged to only serve four terms and that eight-year run will conclude at the end of this 116th Congress.
In a statement to supporters he commented, “"I ran on a pledge to serve four terms - eight years and come home," he said in a statement to supporters. "Many told me I was naive and they're probably right. I was told the district has changed three times and so the pledge isn't binding and I could rationalize that. However, I truly believe a person's word is their bond and should live up to their word. I also meant that after eight years I will come home and pass the baton onto a new generation. Now, I am doing that."

Yoho is best known in the Walking Horse industry as one of the sponsors of the PAST Act and for working with the Humane Society of the United States and Animal Wellness Action, two radical, liberal animal rights groups.  Yoho spoke on the floor the night the PAST Act was debated, leading to a vote that passed the following day.  Yoho never attended a Tennessee Walking Horse show during his tenure in Congress.