TWHBEA is excited about the upcoming show season and has made it easier than ever to affiliate. All horse shows that are sanctioned by an HIO can also affiliate with TWHBEA for no additional charge! By affiliating your show with TWHBEA, exhibitors will earn points from your show for our International High Point Program. TWHBEA will promote all affiliated shows on our website, social media pages and e-blasts. Shows will also be listed on the TWHBEA calendar, and their results included as part of the official show record in our registry database. In an effort to promote the versatility of the Tennessee Walking Horse, for no additional charge, your show can be a double point show by having at least three (3) halter/versatility classes and (3) pleasure rail classes.
When affiliating, shows can also choose to offer Youth Medallion classes, which encourage youth riders to learn and become proficient showing in canter classes. Youth Medallion classes are offered in two divisions, performance and pleasure, at various horse shows throughout the year. Horse Shows that offer Youth Medallion classes will receive complimentary ribbons (first through fifth) and a medallion for the class. They will be reimbursed for the standard prize money offered for the class ($100 for first, $75 for second, $50 for third, $40 for fourth, and $30 for fifth). There is no charge for a show to participate in the program and offer Youth Medallion classes.
To affiliate your horse show for 2022, visit For questions, call 931-359-1574 or email [email protected].