With the current health situation requiring horse shows to be postponed or cancelled, there could be an interruption in our service of weekly print editions of Walking Horse Report. This issue dated March 23, 2020, will be mailed on Friday March 20, 2020. Currently we anticipate not having an issue for at least the next two to three weeks. 

Rest assured that regardless of the length of time that we are unable to have print editions, we will be extending your subscription so that you do not miss any of the information and entertainment provided by Walking Horse Report.

Please also know that we take our responsibility to inform and entertain you seriously, and we will be working diligently to provide the most up to date information on our website and social media platforms, as well as some fun new ways for us to interact with one another while we all have a little extra time on our hands! 

In addition, we will continue to utilize ReporTV as a way to bring highlights and show coverage from past years as well as provide new content over the coming weeks.  

Please stay safe, and keep enjoying your horses – we all hope to be back to showing as soon as it is deemed safe to do so.