Franklin Marriott Cool Springs Hotel was the scene for the Walking Horse Trainer’s Auxiliary final meeting of the year. The room was full of hard-working members and potential members in their largest meeting of the year. Officers and committee chairmen reported that everyone’s work in 2000 had paid off and they ended their 30th year with great success.
Freda Dean gave the treasurer’s report, letting them know that the auxiliary is in good financial shape. The accomplished goals for 2001 included membership being increased by 20%, (It was increased by 26%.), a directory being published and distributed, “ Women At Work” articles being in the Walking Horse Report, amended by-laws for eligibility being made and a dues increase, a newsletter being published and a website:
The Money Tree Classic Horse Show, one of the club’s biggest fund raisers and an annual project was discussed and members turned in names to nominate judges for the show. The auxiliary had received a letter from the Celebration requesting that the show be moved away from the Fun Show. After much discussion, the membership voted to set the 2002 Money Tree Classic on Thursday, May 30th, preceding the Columbia Spring Jubilee in Columbia, Tenn. The Silent Auction will be continued during the Fun Show. They also discussed co-sponsoring a trainers’ show silent auction as well as the Fun Show auction.
During the 2001 year, the Auxiliary continued their support for five organizations through donations to Therapeutic Riding. It was decided to add a sixth group this year, the Tennessee Walking Horse Foundation. Beverly Greenup of WHOO said that this had been the best year for breeding to Mud Slide Slim. His fee is from $100-$300, which is a donation for handicapped riding. She thanked Patti and Hilda Gray, as well as the rest of Sand Creek for taking care of Mud. Patti Gray reported that $4600 had been raised for the handicapped for the last three seasons. He is thirty years old, his semen great and he feels great. She encouraged everyone to breed to him to help these organizations.
Candy Green was High Point Auxiliary Member of the Year for the third consecutive year. Joyce Marie Green won the reserve award. Beth Young received the bronze award for third. This division was highly competitive this season and the decision was made to give gold, silver and bronze awards. Dee Cantrell was again voted Member of the Year. These members were presented their awards at the Trainers’ banquet Saturday evening.
The 2002 officers were elected. They were: President Dee Cantrell, First Vice-President Ashley Wheelon, Second Vice-President Beth Young, Treasurer Freda Dean and Secretary Heidi LeGate.