As everyone is aware our industry is faced with the fight of our life to survive the proposed Department of Agricultural rule changes. It is a fight that legal experts believe we have a chance to win, if just one time we can unite for a common cause.
As with any legal undertaking the opportunity to prove you are right comes with a price. The small group that has contributed so much in the past cannot carry this load alone.
The entire WHTA Board of Directors have signed a Pledge card agreeing to donate one month’s training bill (minimum $700.) to support this cause. (See pledge card for details).
Enclosed is a Pledge card, please fill out and return in the enclosed envelope to WHTA, But, Make Checks payable to FAST, Inc. Your contribution is tax deductible and you will receive a tax slip from FAST, Inc.
Click Here for Pledge Card
Unanimous consent of WHTA Board of Directors