Numerous changes have been made in the 2010 Celebration class schedule as a result of many hours listening to and reading about what exhibitors want and need. Sometimes those suggestions resulted in new classes being added, while other times changes in class scheduling were necessary. One major change in particular was to relocate youth classes to the weekends so children will have to miss as little school as possible. Also, due to changes in SHOW divisions, new classes have been added and other class names have been changed. Some classes have been moved to earlier or later in the show. Conversely, classes that have been declining in entries have been deleted for the 2010 show.
Two special additions to our championship classes this year spotlight two special groups. The Trainers “Ride for the Roses” World Grand Championship® spotlights the professional trainers and horses who have never won a World Grand Championship® at the Celebration®. The professional trainer must have shown in at least one performance class at the 2010 Celebration and the horse must have been shown in at least one performance class at the 2010 Celebration®. The Lead Line Ponies, Riders 6 Years and Under World Grand Championship® focuses on the youngest riders who are the continuing future of the Walking Horse Industry. As a World Grand Champion® they will be spotlighted again on Saturday night with other Youth World Grand Champions® as our ‘Stars of the Future’.
The following are new classes for the 2010 Celebration:
·Class 4, O/A Youth Riders 6-11 Years on Park Pleasure Walking Mares or Geldings
·Class 6, O/A English Country Pleasure Walking Horses
·Class 9, Plantation Pleasure Walking Horses, Five Years and Over
·Class 12, O/A Western Country Pleasure Walking Horses
·Class 14, Model Pleasure Walking Stallions
·Class 18, O/A Western Trail Pleasure, Three Years Old
·Class 24, O/A English Trail Pleasure, Three Years Old
·Class 25, Model Pleasure Walking Geldings
·Class 42, O/A Youth Riders 6-17 Years, Western Trail Pleasure, Two and Three Years Old
·Class 44, O/A Youth Riders 6-17 Years on Lite Shod Walking Mares or Geldings
·Class 47, O/A Youth Riders 6-17 Years, English Trail Pleasure, Two and Three Years Old
·Class 48, O/A Youth Riders 6-17 Years on Park Performance Walking Horses
·Class 64, Western Youth Country Pleasure, Riders 6-17 Years
·Class 73, English Youth Country Pleasure, Riders 6-17 Years
·Class 74, Plantation Pleasure Walking Horses, 4 Years and Under
·Class 87, O/A Classic Park Pleasure Walking Horses
·Class 104, O/A Plantation Pleasure Walking Horses
·Class 113, Classic Park Pleasure Walking Horses
·Class 146, O/A Youth Riders 6-17 Years on Park Pleasure Walking Mares or Geldings, World Grand Championship®
·Class 147, Novice Riders on Novice Trai Pleasure Walking Horses World Grand Championship®
·Class 154, Country Pleasure Walking Horse World Grand Championship®
·Class 155, Trainers “Ride for the Roses” World Grand Championship®
·Class 170, Lead Line Ponies, Riders 6 Years and Under World Grand Championship®
·Class 172, Show Pleasure Walking Horses World Grand Championship®
Due to changes in SHOW’s Flat Shod Division, any class identified in previous years as Plantation Pleasure, Lite Shod, are now identified as Lite Shod. Those classes are listed below.
·Class 7, Western Lite Shod Walking Horses, Canter
·Class 13, Lite Shod Driving, 2 or 4 Wheel Vehicle
·Class 19, O/A Riders on Lite Shod Walking Horses
·Class 21, O/A Riders on Lite Shod Walking Horses, Four Years and Under
·Class 23, Lite Shod Walking Horses, Canter
·Class 37, O/A Novice Youth Riders 6-17 Years on Novice Lite Shod Walking Mares or Geldings
·Class 38, O/A Riders on Western Lite Shod Walking Horses
·Class 44, O/A Youth Riders 6-17 Years on Lite Shod Walking Mares or Geldings
·Class 46, O/A Riders 50 Years and Over on Lite Shod Walking Horses
·Class 53, Lite Shod Walking Horses
·Class 98, Western Lite Shod Walking Horses
·Class 100, Lite Shod Walking Horses, Three and Four Years Old
·Class 103, O/A Novice Riders on Novice Lite Shod Walking Horses
·Class 110, Lite Shod Walking Horses, Two Years Old
·Class 156, Lite Shod Walking Horses World Grand Championship®
·Class 175, Western Lite Shod Walking Horses World Grand Championship®
·Class 179, O/A Riders on Lite Shod Walking Horses World Grand Championship®
With SHOW’s addition of two new classes to the flat shod division, the Celebration has decided to offer classes in Classic Park Pleasure and Plantation Pleasure. At this time those classes will not have a championship class of their own, but entries in those classes will be qualified to show in a corresponding Park Pleasure Championship class if they desire. For example: Owner/Amateur Classic Park and Plantation Pleasure entries will be qualified to show in the Owner/Amateur Park Pleasure Championship and the Classic Park and Plantation Pleasure entries will be qualified to show in the Park Pleasure Championship. If numbers in these classes prove to be good for 2010, then individual Championships will be considered for 2011.
The following classes have been deleted from the schedule due to declining numbers:
·O/A Youth Riders 12-17 Years on Plantation Pleasure Walking Mares or Geldings, Lite Shod. Combined with old class 43 to be Class 43, O/A Youth Riders 6-17 on Lite Shod Walking Mares or Geldings. Classes were combined due to declining numbers in both classes, and name change reflects changes in divisions by SHOW.
·Park Pleasure Driving, 2 or 4 Wheel Vehicle
·O/A Riders on Western Plantation Pleasure Walking Horses, Lite Shod, Canter
·O/A Riders on Plantation Pleasure Walking Horses, Lite Shod, Canter
·Plantation Pleasure Walking Horses, Lite Shod, World Grand Championship Canter
·Western Plantation Pleasure Walking Horses, Lite Shod, World Grand Championship, Canter