The Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration will launch a new online entry system for this year’s 50th Anniversary Fun Show. The Fun Show will be held June 25-27 in Maverick Arena. Due to recommendations issued by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture as well as the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ & Exhibitors’ Association and Walking Horse Trainers’ Association to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its spread, the Celebration will implement the online entry system.
The system will be available for entry from June 19th – 23rd. For those not comfortable with the online system, paper entries will be taken at the show just as in years past. “We are hopeful that our online system will be utilized by our entrants this year and we are committed to helping everyone through this process should they encounter any issues. However, we do realize that the online system can be a challenge for some which is why we will continue to offer our traditional system of entry in addition to the new online system,” said Celebration Director of Operations Connie Allen.
If trainers or exhibitors have any questions or problems they should contact Celebration Entry Office Manager Emily Gill. The Celebration intends to utilize the same system for entries at the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration to be held August 26 – September 5, 2020.
Instructions on how to enter online (Reminder you can create an account at any time but entries will be taken from Friday June 19th through Tuesday June 23rd):
1. Go to and click “Log In”. It is located in the top right corner of the homepage.
2. You will then click “Want to register?” and proceed to create an account.
3. After doing so, you will go back to the homepage and click “Log In” and use your log in you created.
4. Once you have done that, you will go to the homepage again, and click “2020 SPRING FUN SHOW”. It may be located at the bottom under “Upcoming Shows”.
5. Please read the information before clicking “Add Entry”. There will be guidelines listed on how to make your Entry and what you will need to know in order to successfully complete your online entry.
6. We will need all fields completed in order for your Entry to download properly. If there is a field that you do not know or doesn’t apply to this show, please answer with “0”. Please provide birth date of Exhibitor.
7. For online entries, back numbers will be assigned by the Entry Office and you will pick those up at the SHOW office.