The Celebration wants to remind all trainers and exhibitors of the timeout and shoeing policy during The Celebration. It is slightly different than the SHOW HIO policy on timeouts. The Celebration’s timeout policy can be found on page 12, section 44 of the Premium List and is as follows:
“The Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration, working closely with the Walking Horse Trainers’ Association and SHOW, Inc., has developed timeout policies for the world championship show that will shorten the program while remaining fair for exhibitors. Timeouts will be limited to six minutes except in the case of thrown shoes. Exhibitors in preliminary classes will have the option of replacing thrown shoes under the previous timeout rule of 10 minutes, or be excused with the understanding that the excused entry has qualified for the appropriate championship. If a shoe is thrown prior to the class, it must be replaced in order to qualify for a championship. The Celebration has an inventory of certain key pieces of tack available in center ring to replace broken equipment, including breast straps, girths, stirrups, action devices, etc. Lost action devices will now be replaced with action devices available from the show farrier in center ring.”
In addition to the timeout policy, the Celebration allows only the Celebration farrier to replace, repair, or correct a shoeing problem in center ring. The exhibitor has the right to leave the class entered and have their personal farrier make the correction. However, if they remain in competition, the Celebration farrier only will make correction. In a preliminary class, the exhibitor has the option of replacing the shoe or retiring from the ring of which both options will qualify their entry for the respective championship class.