Deadline for declaring candidacy for the TWHBEA International Board of Directors is Monday, August 2 by close of business. One must be a member that owns registered walking horses, not be suspended, not be on federal suspension or a felon, and have more than three years continual membership in the association. The specifics for eligibility are outlined in the bylaws, here.
There are 12 seats up for election. The following breaks down the states and regions for which directors will be elected.
Tennessee - 3 seats
Kentucky - 2 seats
Alabama - 1 seat
California- 1 seat
Illinois - 1 seat
Missouri - 1 seat
South Carolina - 1 seat
Virginia - 1 seat
Region 2 (Michigan, Wisconsin) - 1 seat
Members willing to be candidates for the TWHBEA International Board of Directors shall notify the TWHBEA Executive Director in writing on or before August 2nd by 4:00 pm. Email to: [email protected] If all eligibility requirements are met, those members’ names will be listed on the TWHBEA Website and in the Voice magazine.