The American Legend, affectionately known as Harley, was born in April 2000 and passed away in December of 2023 at Bayfield Farm in Oxford, North Carolina. He was bred, raised and shown by Sandy Harris. He had quite the impressive resume. He won over a hundred blue ribbons and a multitude of seconds and thirds. He has many many high point awards, from WHR, WHOA, TWHBEA and PWHAT. He was Horse of the Year several times for PWHAT.  He received his Register of Merit in 2012 from WHOA.  He was high point versatility horse in the Celebration Versatility Series and got the spotlight ride during the Celebration .

His last 10 years were spent with Kevin Gilliam and Wayne Moore at Bayfield Farm in North Carolina. He was loved by so many children, especially Cooper and patiently taught them how to ride.  

Sandy Harris would like to thank Kevin and Wayne from the bottom of her heart for taking such wonderful care of Harley.    

Harley you were one special horse and I was honored and privileged to be your person for so many years. Rest In Peace, my friend.