As part of FAST’s efforts to promote and preserve the Tennessee Walking Show Horse in all of its diverse disciplines, FAST announces that it has put on the website a Tennessee Walking Horse Show Managers Checklist to facilitate a successful new or existing show. Attached to the Checklist are budget forms, suggested payback methods, and resource lists which include lists of Photographers, Announcers, and Organists. If a new show is being considered, contact FAST, Inc. and a Tennessee Walking Horse Show Manual can be requested and will be sent to the group or show manager. The manual goes into extensive detail to educate any group considering putting on a show.
FAST does not endorse, represent, recommend, warrant (expressed or implied), or make any representations about these companies or any individual's services, including, but not limited to their reliability, suitability or availability. The lists are to be used and viewed only as a resource. Any company or individual wishing to have their information added to the resource lists may ask for inclusion by emailing or mailing a letter to FAST, Inc. The Tennessee Walking Horse Show Managers Checklist is free for use by any Tennessee Walking Horse Show or horse show manager.
FAST also announces their Tennessee Walking Horse Charity Assistance Program. As another way of fulfilling FAST’s endeavors to preserve the Tennessee Walking Horse shows, FAST will accept grant requests by Tennessee Walking Horse Shows that have suffered a financial loss. The Tennessee Walking Horse Show must offer at least 50 % performance classes, and have suffered a financial loss from events beyond their control.
At the discretion of the FAST board of directors and the availability of funds, Fast will consider making a donation to the show’s intended charity. To apply for a donation to a Tennessee Walking Horse show’s charity please fill out the Horse Show Charity Assistance Form and submit it to FAST, Inc. The form is located on the FAST website. If you have any questions call Mike Inman at 205-966-0969 or Bruce Vaughn at 330-802-1013 or e-mail