by Mary A. Palmer
MONTVERDE, Fla. - The Florida Walking and Racking Horse Association’s 2007 high point awards banquet was hosted by the Montverde Academy on Jan. 19, 2008. A general membership meeting was held at 4 p.m., with a social hour at 6 p.m., with a silent auction and a barbecue style buffet dinner following.
The awards were presented by FWRHA’s 2007 President Kasey Kesselring, assisted by Janie Van De Walker. This year’s high point award recipient received a custom jacket. Several times during the awards presentation Kesselring drew numbers for door prizes. After the high point awards were given for each division the overall amateur and youth high point awards were announced, with Tracy Pinson receiving the amateur award and John Kuszlyk III receiving the youth award.
Following the awards presentation the 2008 Board was announced. Also announced were the winners of the silent auction, which included saddles, training, stud fees, a weekend getaway, horse related items and other fine gifts. Several members even donated their silent auction items to the Freedom Ride, a local therapeutic riding facility.