A press release from Free The Breeders

SHELBYVILLE, TN (September 11, 2007) – A change in the current leadership at TWHBEA is being sought by Free The Breeders, a grass roots organization formed to bring about change at TWHBEA in the upcoming election scheduled September 15 through October 15, 2007. Free The Breeders’ goal is to elect directors and officers that will return TWHBEA to registering and promoting the Tennessee Walking Horse.

Under new leadership, Free The Breeders will restore TWHBEA to its bylaw objectives – to protect the integrity of the registry, protect the welfare of the horses, and promote the breed. The Executive Committee and TWHBEA staff must answer to and serve the needs of all members.

The proposed bylaw changes, unless voted down by the membership, will put the current leadership in power for the next three years. The bylaw changes take significant power away from the National Board and give it to the President and the Executive Director. The Association was founded on its members being actively involved in the running of the Association.

Free The Breeders supports all disciplines of the Tennessee Walking Horse, endorses the Horse Protection Act, and the Operating Plan with the few amendments already addressed by the TWH industry and the USDA.

Current leadership’s focus on the TWHBEA HIO has seriously jeopardized the future of the Registry:

• Membership and membership participation has declined.

• Youth participation is non-existent.

• Foal registrations and transfers have greatly decreased depleting income sources.

• Out-of-control spending and financial mismanagement practices have greatly reduced resources and reserves.

• iPeds is disregarded.

• Go! Gelding Opportunity is ignored.

• Youth Medallion Program is abolished.

• Horse Show Development excludes important disciplines.

• Versatility Program progress is denied.

• High Point Program is non-existent.

• Voice advertising is greatly reduced.

• Required structural repair the Association headquarters is neglected.

• Futurity no longer promotes strong breeding incentives due to lack of interest and appropriate promotion.

• Confidence and credibility in the current leadership are non-existent.

• Promotion of the breed has been ignored.

The current leadership at TWHBEA is struggling for power. They want complete control of the industry. From their unsuccessful take over of WHOA to their TWHBEA HIO, the goal has been power when it should have been promoting the breed.

TWHBEA ended their contract with the NHSC without devising a method to safeguard show records used by knowledgeable breeders seeking to improve their offspring by researching show records. iPeds is also used for buying/selling and increasing the value of our horses.

Consistently reduced membership numbers, abolishment of programs, the critical reduction of assets and reserves, and lack of attention to total unified membership requirements continue to diminish the registry and imperil the future for all aspects of the industry. We must elect new leadership and vote no for the bylaw changes.

Dee Dee Sale and Joni Jenne’, long-time industry leaders, are heading the Free The Breeders effort. For further information about Free The Breeders organization and goals, you may contact Dee Dee Sale 931-580-6647 or Joni Jenneʹ 615-691-2011 or visit www.freethebreeders.org.