The deadline for the 2008 Walking Horse Report Hight Point REPORT is December 1, 2008. All show results received by the deadline will be counted toward point totals.
A change in the 2008 point calculations is that horses that have been purchased and had their name changed will now have both point calculations tallied in 2008. Please send any name changes that will affect point totals in the top 10 in any category to Sandra Barnes at the Walking Horse Report office at
[email protected]. All horses will now just have one record in the WHR database of show results, high point programs and stallion reports.
Effective 2009 the changes will be made automatically by the Walking Horse Report and will not require a change at the end of the year.
The High Point REPORT is calculated based on the point totals gained by horses across the country at over 350 horse shows in the Walking Horse Report show results. This show total makes the High Point REPORT the most complete high point program in the industry.