Ms. Marie Wheatley, President and CEO of the American Humane Association, will be among the group of horse industry leaders meeting in Shelbyville during The Celebration.
SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. - Horse industry leaders from across the United Stateswill meet at the 2009 Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration September3 and 4, 2009. The distinguished panel will be led by Dr. Jim Heird,Executive Professor for the Horse Initiative at Texas A&M University. The leaders will develop an action plan from areas identified at the 2009 Fun Show.
This committee, although different from the Fun Show group, will include in addition to Dr. Heird, Dr. Eleanor Green, Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine, Texas A&M University; Dr. Doug Corey, Veterinarian, Adams, Oregon; Mr. Cam Foreman, Executive Director, Ohio Quarter Horse Association and 30 year employee with the American Quarter Horse Association; Ms. Marie Wheatley, President and CEO of the American Humane Association, Denver, Colorado; Dr. Mike Harry, Middle Tennessee Veterinarian and Dr. Dave Whitaker, Director of Horse Science at Middle Tennessee State University.
Both Dr. Doug Corey and Dr. Eleanor Green are recent past presidents of the American Association of Equine Practitioners and will be officially representing AAEP at this important meeting. In addition, Drs. Whitaker and Harry were authors of the famed AAEP "White Paper" that presents a blueprint for Walking Horse success and stability within the industry.
At the Fun Show several areas were identified by the initial group as to their positive influence, negative perception and what can be done to impact each area as the industry moves forward. After action item are addressed, a full report will be presented to the SHOW/Celebration Board of Directors for their consideration and implementation.
"I am excited this group cares enough about the horse industry and specifically the Walking Horse Industry to take time away from their schedule to assist our industry," says Dr. Doyle G. Meadows, CEO of SHOW/Celebration. Dr. Meadows hopes the report will be made public this Fall.