A petition for rulemaking under the Horse Protection Act was filed last week with the United States Department of Agriculture alleging the USDA has failed to enforce the Act and requesting a number of immediate regulatory changes.
The petition was submitted by The Humane Society of the United States, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, The American Horse Protection Association, Friends of the Sound Horse and former (1965-1971) Maryland Senator Joseph Tydings. The petition requests the following immediate regulatory changes:
1. Permanently disqualify scarred horses from participation in all horse showing activities;
2. Require HIOs to adopt a minimum penalty structure for violations of the Act;
3. Incorporate certain Points of Emphasis into the regulations;
4. Permanently disqualify individuals who have repeatedly violated the Act;
5. Decertify HIOs after their failure or refusal to correct instances of non-compliance with the Act
There has been no official industry response and similar petitions have been filed in the past. The two affidavits included in the petition were from Keith Dane and Lori Northrup and they were both given in April, four months ago.
The long-term effect of the petition is difficult to know. The SHOW HIO has worked with several of the petitioners regarding initiatives for the overall welfare of the horse.
Click here to view the petition.