The controversial House Farm Bill failed on the house floor on Friday afternoon with 30 republicans voting against the bill.  The final vote tally was 213-198 with every democrat voting against the bill.  The major issues were the work requirement of 20 hours a week to gain food stamps and immigration.

The Senate is currently drafting their own Farm Bill which will require bipartisan support.  The House Rules Committee kicked out the amendments from Tom Marino (R-PA) and Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) on Wednesday that dealt with Tennessee Walking Horses.  It is unclear if any amendments regarding Tennessee Walking Horses will be attempted on the Senate side.

United States Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue released the following statement regarding the House Farm Bill, “A Farm Bill is necessary to provide our farmers, ranchers, foresters, and producers with the stability and predictability they need. Our farmers feed the people of this nation and the world, and they deserve the certainty of a Farm Bill.”