SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. – Industry organizations including the SHOW HIO, Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ & Exhibitors’ Association (TWHBEA), Walking Horse Owners’ Association (WHOA) and the Walking Horse Trainers’ Association (WHTA) held a meeting January 19, 2010. The meeting was attended by representatives from each organization as they discussed ways each organization could work together to address industry needs.
Representatives included Dr. Steve Mullins, President of SHOW, Frank Neal, President of WHOA, David Pruett, President of TWHBEA and Winky Groover, President of WHTA. Stan Butt, Executive Director of TWHBEA, Tommy Hall, Executive Director of WHOA and Tony Edwards, Director of DQPs at SHOW also were in attendance. Rollie Beard, Director of Judges, Chad Williams, WHTA 1st Vice President and Mark Taylor, WHOA Sales and Marketing Director rounded out the representatives in attendance.
“We were extremely pleased that all organizations were able to attend today’s meeting and the cooperative spirit of the meeting was beneficial to finding solutions to each organizations problems and the overall needs of the industry,” said Mullins. The group will hold a second meeting on February 23, 2010. Representatives from each group commended the cooperative efforts of the organizations to meet in the future to continue to address the challenges facing the industry.
“The Walking Horse trainer is committed and our board is committed to presenting compliant horses and we will continue in our efforts to present the best possible horse for inspection in 2010,” said Groover.
Each organization made plans to send out detailed information to their members about the meeting in the near future. WHOA and SHOW did announce that all 2009 ribbon only shows and new ribbon only shows in 2010, will be afforded the option of having the fee structure of $6 per horse per day, if the show is under the WHOA umbrella. Horses will not be required to have a horse card at these particular shows however horses with SHOW Horse Cards will not pay any additional fee at these shows. WHOA is developing shows across the country for pleasure, performance and versatility.
WHOA is also looking at providing a monetary incentive to its QUEST program. The QUEST program rewards those amateurs and juveniles that have the best performance throughout the year based upon points earned in the show ring. Show results from all HIOs are included in the Quest Program with High Point awards given to the top 10 riders in four divisions at the WHOA Convention each February.
After discussion between the four organizations and considering the input from around the country, SHOW also announced a new class, Classic Park, which will have a maximum ½” x 1 ½” shoe, no tungsten allowed. This makes a total of four classes that will not allow tungsten shoes and gives shows across the country the option to have these classes.
TWHBEA brought attention to the groups regarding the Go Gelding! program and how to effectively promote and market the program along with the other industry programs. Industry point programs are in place to reward those owners and horses that are participating and supporting the industry.
Proper registration, transfer and correct ownership was a big concern to all of the groups in attendance. TWHBEA understands the importance of this topic and expressed its willingness to expedite the process and work with the other industry organizations to find solutions. Each group gave ideas as to how their organization could assist with this issue. This topic will continue to be discussed as well as potential penalties put in place if horse ownership is not properly transferred upon a sale.
SHOW announced that until after the upcoming Judges Applicant School, the 2009 judges list would be used for shows falling before the announcement of the 2010 judges list. “SHOW has made and will continue to make increasing professionalism within its judging program a priority in 2010 and beyond,” said Beard.
Also, the old NHSC/SHOW rulebook will be used until the new rulebook, currently being written, is released. The new rulebook has to be to the USDA by March 1, 2010. The new shoeing rules released in 2010 are in effect immediately.