Dr. Steve Mullins, President of the SHOW HIO has released the members of the new Judge’s Committee that Rollie Beard, SHOW Director of Judges selected. The members are:
Dr. Steve Mullins
Dr. Doyle Meadows
Winky Groover
Leigh Bennett
Nathan Clark
David Landrum
Jeff Willis
Dee Cantrell
Kathy Zeis
Frank Eichler
Mike Inman
This committee had their initial meeting on January 4, 2010 and a follow-up meeting on January 17, 2010. The Committee is charged with developing a 3-year strategy with recommendations to SHOW that will include improving the perception and reality of the judging system that it has integrity, and our Judges are well trained and provide consistent, fair and honest judging. This process will include accountability for all Judges as well as the implementation of a “Code of Ethics”, transparency, an improved selection and evaluation process and the implementation of consistent standards for the Tennessee Walking Horse and its acceptable gait.
Beard stated that he was proud of the accomplishments made in these two meetings although it is still a work in progress. “As with any long term strategy there will be some things that can be accomplished quickly but there are also other initiatives that will require more work and time to accomplish,” said Beard. Current committee developments and action plans include:
1. Judge’s Clinic-Feb. 12-13, 2010. (Starting time on Friday 9am cst and Saturday 8am cst…location: Trainers Office in Shelbyville)
2. New Applicants School planned for March for those Judges who are unable to make the February clinic and any new or additional prospective individuals wanting to become Judges…more info to come.
3. New Rule Book completion date tentatively set for March 1, 2010.
In addition, the Committee is reviewing numerous other initiatives and suggestions including various suggestions for holding Judges accountable (monitor Judges with direct observation, videotaping and evaluation forms) as well as requiring Show Managers to fill out an evaluation form and the judges themselves to fill out a self-evaluation form.
As part of the licensing process AA and AAA Judges will be required to judge or co-judge a show every 3 years, and must obtain approval by the Director of Judges to judge more than 4 shows in a calendar year. There will be no limitation of the number of judges at this time, contrary to popular opinion and rumors, and the concept of a rotation system for Judges will continue to be discussed.
Finally, the Committee is also considering additional initiatives to obtain feedback from owners, trainers, participants and anyone observing a judge, who could provide factual and reliable information on not only what was a possible issue but also those positive suggestions and evaluations. “We always hear about everything a judge did wrong, but it’s also important as part of accountability to hear the things they do right,” said Beard.
Beard encourages Show Managers to contact him if they plan to select their own judges for the 2010 show season. This will help with the ongoing monitoring and tracking system as well as with the Judges’ limitation to four shows in 2010. In addition, the Director of Judge’s office can assist show managers in their judge’s selection process. Contact Rollie Beard, Director of Judges: 931-684-9506.