The following letter was sent to WHOA Members from WHOA President, Kim Bennett: 
February 27, 2012
Dear WHOA Members,
In recent days it has become evident our industry is overpopulated with a few who evidently have too much time on their hands. They talk of secret meetings, conspiracy theories, and make personal attacks. They take things out of context, and twist anything that is said just to try to belittle, demean, and degrade someone's character. There is nothing more frustrating than to watch as some of these people lash out with venom pouring from their fingertips onto the keyboard in an attempt to discredit those who are working tirelessly not only to improve, but to save this great show horse and industry that we have. I will not lower myself to those standards with a barrage of emails, text messages, or chat posts.

In my home town with a population of 300 my father served on the town city council for 40 years; he built a fire department including the truck, because there was none; took his own money to dig a water well for city water because there was none; he volunteered and operated an ambulance service because there was none, started a horse show that has lasted for 61 years as a community project because there was none, and volunteered, sponsored, and helped build a facility for a youth ball league. One thing I will never forget is him telling me "if you are not willing to serve and try and make a difference don't bitch and complain."     
To quote Rocky and Bull Winkle, "we seem to be over blessed with self-appointed Mr. Know It Alls".    
I am so proud of the Walking Horse Owners Association's Board of Directors and Committee members. I have never seen a group more dedicated to the future of this breed. Every decision I have seen them make was sincere, from the heart, and was what they felt was in the best interest of the Walking Horse Owners Association and this industry. We are so blessed to have Tommy Hall as our Executive Director and to have had members of the past sow the seed to make sure such a needed organization is in place.

One thing for sure is that the truth, like cream, will eventually rise to the top no matter how much vinegar some try to add. Rest assured that the goals of this association and the actions of its leaders are honorable and true.

Kim Bennett
Walking Horse Owners Association