The Walking Horse Alliance of Kentucky will be holding several shows throughout the state in 2010. All of the shows will be affiliated with the National Walking Horse Association and will be eligible for Kentucky Walking Horse Breeders Incentive Fund points. There are already 6 three day shows scheduled, one at the Western Kentucky University Ag Expo Center in Bowling Green Kentucky and five at the Central Kentucky Agricultural Center in Liberty Kentucky. Other one night shows are in the planning stages. Please visit for more information on these shows.
Along with these shows we will be offering free clinics in order to help you learn more about the National Walking Horse Association. The clinic dates and locations are, Feb 6th in Bowling Green KY at Western Kentucky University and Feb 27th at The Horse Park in Lexington KY. Start times and exact locations at WKU and The Horse Park will be posted shortly. Topics at these clinics will include:
-NWHA DQP procedures
-NWHA Shoeing Regulations
-NWHA rules
-NWHA Class Definitions
-NWHA judging criteria
If you would like to be notified about our upcoming shows or clinics or have any other questions please contact The Walking Horse Alliance of Kentucky at