Editor's Note:  The following email letter from Tommy Halmontaller was sent to Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders' & Exhibitors' Association (TWHBEA) President Tracy Boyd.  The 2013 National Futurity will be held on Sunday July 28, 2013 at Miller Coliseum in Murfreesboro, Tenn.

I would like to take a minute and discuss the futurity with you. When the Futurity was at the Celebration, the loyal breeders had a chance for the masses to view their colts and perhaps to sell one or all. You had everyone in Shelbyville for the Celebration and a lot of eyes to view your colts. Now the Futurity is middle of July in Murfreesboro where you might have enough people at the show to fill up one pickup truck!!! We have all heard the reasons for moving the futurity, none make any sense.

We all know the truth which is Breeders against Celebration,! because of a few trying to get revenge at the Celebration, the breeders of this great breed have suffered.  REVENGE IS THE WORK OF THE DEVIL ----as an example my best friend Bobby Jones, has nominated 10-12 colts a year for LIFE in the futurity, now that the Breeders have moved the futurity to Murfreesboro and affiliated  with the WHOA HIO, his 2 and 3 year old colts cannot show under the trainer who have them without fear of a suspension for upcoming Celebration. Is that fair? Breeders took his futurity money and this is what you get?

This example is just one of many with the same story. With this type of control and use of revenge the futurity will die a fast death, is this what the breeders want? its is a fact it is what they will get. There are many of us that ask the breeders Association to do what is right with the futurity and lay aside the revenge factor and get the futurity back to what it was meant to be a show case of our young talented horses.
I remain,

Tommy Halmontaller