SHELBYVILLE, TENN. -- The National Horse Show Commission (NHSC) has announced inspection processes that will be in place for the 2006 Celebration. Last month, NHSC Chairman David Pruett established a committee to review the inspection process for the 2006 Celebration. The committee returned the recommendations to the NHSC Board at this week’s meeting. “Most of their recommendations are to continue processes that we already use,” says Lonnie Messick, NHSC executive vice president. “However, we have adopted two new recommendations that I think will be well-received.”
The new processes that he refers to are the separation of inspection areas and the appointment of an “acting” Director of Judges during the Celebration. During the evening performances of the Celebration, the Champions Arena will be utilized to examine weanlings, yearlings, flat shot horses, harness and driving horses. This should create a safer environment and give more room to evaluate horses.
For the past several months, the NHSC has been searching for a full-time Director of Judges, but has not had success in hiring one. For the Celebration, there will be an “acting” Director of Judges that will monitor and evaluate the judges performance, as well as answer any questions that may arise during the show. Judges are expected to dismiss any “bad image” horses, as well as any other violations they see.
Other inspection processes that will continue at the Celebration include:
• Ground Stewards and Veterinarians will monitor the Celebration Grounds. This program was initiated during the Walking Horse Trainers’ Show and will continue at the Celebration.
• Horses entering the inspection area should be properly identified and proceed to the DQP inspection area and will be examined by the “next-in-line DQP.” DQPs will monitor the horses in line so there is no preference of examiners.
• Two DQPs will be active in the warm-up ring after inspection to monitor and observe horses in motion and also to observe the addition of approved lubricants. This year the DQPs will keep written documentation of their observations.
• Cameras will continue to be used to monitor all inspection areas.
• Tails may be blocked by a licensed veterinarian or trainer in the presence of a DQP.
• The number of individuals allowed per horse in the warm-up ring is limited to four people (trainer, rider, groom and one parent in the case of youth riders) or as needed to accommodate the special needs of individual horses. There are individuals working on an identification system for people entering the warm-up area.
• Hoof testers will continue to be used if necessary in inspections.
“Although much of this is a continuation from previous years, we want to put it in writing so everyone knows what to expect when they come to the Celebration,” says David Pruett, NHSC chairman. “We are extremely grateful to this special committee for their input and timeliness in this matter.” The committee consisted of Bailey Little, Celebration board member; Dr. John O’Brien DVM, with the NHPS Compliance Committee; and Lonnie Messick with the NHSC.