Copyright WHR 2006

The National Horse Show Commission and Kentucky Horse Industry Organization are pleased to announce that they have formed an alliance in a spirit of cooperation to promote the welfare of the Tennessee Walking Horse.

The NHSC and KY HIO met at the NHSC offices on Friday, February 10, to sign the three-year agreement.

The two organizations will each continue to maintain their Horse Industry Organization status with the USDA. However, they will work even more closely together throughout 2006 to negotiate the 2007 Operating Plan with the USDA.

The NHSC and Kentucky will create a Tennessee Walking Horse Unified Judges List such that both organizations will certify, train and discipline judges to be used at all shows affiliated with either organization.


David Landrum, President of the Walking Horse Trainers' Association, Kenny Smith, Chairman of the Kentucky Horse Industry Organization, and David Pruett, President of the Walking Horse Owners' Association sign the alliance.They are joined by Mickey McCormick, Knox Blackburn, Mack Motes, Gary Oliver, George Greenup, Frank Neal, and Kim Bennett.