Senate bill S. 1406, the Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST Act) is set for a markup on April 9, 2014 before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation. The PAST Act was introduced by Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) after a house version of the bill was created by the Humane Society of the United States and introduced by Congressman Ed Whitfield (R-KY). The hearing will be held at 1:30PM CST in executive session at the Russel Senate Office Building Room 253. The committee will hear 15 pieces of legislation.
The chairman of the committee is John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV) and the ranking member is John Thune (R-SD). The hearing will be webcast live on the
committee homepage. The hearing has been scheduled twice prior with each being postponed.