The following newsbrief was provided by The Walking Horse Owners Association (WHOA).

Re: Horse Protection Act
Dear Members,
This past week Representative Ed Whitfield (R-KY) introduced a bill into congress to alter the Horse Protection Act. To date it has gained the support of 22 other legislators.

In summary it seeks to:

1. Eliminate the use of a weighted shoe, pad, wedge, hoof band, or other device or material at a horse show, horse exhibition, or horse sale or auction.
2. Eliminate the use of an action device on any limb of a Tennessee Walking, a Racking, or a Spotted Saddle horse at a horse show, horse exhibition, or horse sale or auction.
There are several other amendments within this proposition that would negatively impact every discipline of the Tennessee Walking Show Horse. We urge you to contact your representative by visiting this website:

From this site you may read the bill in its entirety as well as instantly send feedback to your district representatives by simply entering your comments and home address. Please take the time to let your representatives know that you are strongly opposed to this bill as written.