Representatives from the SHOW HIO met with the United States Department of Agriculture on Monday March 15, 2010 in Washington, D.C. The meeting focused on SHOW’s initiatives for the upcoming 2010 show season as well as the USDA Horse Protection Program’s 2010 Points of Emphasis released last week.
“We had a very good meeting and I appreciate Dr. Chester Gipson and Dr. Rachel Cezar taking the time to discuss our initiatives, current issues in the Industry as well as clarify our questions regarding the 2010 Points of Emphasis,” said SHOW President Dr. Stephen L. Mullins.
The Points of Emphasis is a continuation of the USDA’s 2009 emphasis and require all HIOs to enforce the Horse Protection Act (HPA) and Horse Protection Regulations (HPR) and provides specific sections for owners, show management and others to read if there are any questions.
In addition the USDA released a recommended 2010 Horse Protection Penalty Protocol. The penalty protocol allows HIOs to implement their own penalty program but if they implement the recommended protocol, to the extent that it effectuates the purpose of the Act and Regulation, the USDA will not initiate a federal case against the violator. The USDA retains primary jurisdiction to pursue cases when it deems appropriate.
"Overall it was a good meeting and we are looking forward to a good show season, and a continuation of the open dialogue with the USDA" said Dr. Mullins