SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. – The SHOW HIO has received a letter from Dr. Chester Gipson, Deputy Administrator with USDA-APHIS outlining a request for SHOW to adopt the mandatory penalties within 30 days or face decertification of its DQP program.  The letter specifically states, “if after 30 days the required changes are not made, SHOW’s DQP program certification will be revoked.”

SHOW has turned the letter from Gipson over to its attorneys and a response will be forthcoming in the near future.  In the meantime, SHOW will continue affiliating horse shows, sales and events and will continue with the upcoming judges’ school and farrier’s clinic.

We realize that there continues to be confusion and concern about any possible decertification and the resulting impact to the show season. Under the Horse Protection Regulations it specifically states:

     “Any horse industry organization or association whose DQP program certification has been revoked may appeal such revocation to the Administrator\6\ in writing within 30 days after the date of such revocation and, if requested, shall be afforded an opportunity for a hearing.\7\”

As with any US agency and legal process, once the lawyers get involved, the due process system and associated appeals may take some time before any final determination. Until that time the horse industry should proceed as normal and continue to affiliate shows, bring up compliant horses, and have fun exhibiting this great animal. We will of course keep you apprised as this process unfolds.