The SHOW HIO recently had the following proposed rule book changes recommended by the Judges’ Committee. The proposed rule changes deal with the amateur and youth guidelines. The SHOW board felt these changes should have a comment period before a final decision is made for the 2017 rule book. The guidelines for amateur and youth eligibility have not changed in the 2016 rule book. Comments will be taken until August 1st and can be submitted to SHOW - P.O. Box 167, Shelbyville, TN 37162 or bring to SHOW office, 1110 Evans Street at the Celebration grounds.
An Amateur:
1. Must be 18 years of age on or before January 1 of the current year.
2. Must not have shown, trained, assisted in training a horse, regardless of breed, for remuneration, monetary or otherwise, either directly or indirectly.
3. Must not have shown, trained, assisted in the training of a horse, regardless of breed, for which an immediate family member accepts remuneration, monetary or otherwise, either directly or indirectly, for such services. Only horses solely owned by the individual or their immediate family are allowed. Co-ownership, leases or co-leases on horses are not allowed for the individual that is the immediate family of someone accepting remuneration as described above. EXCEPTION: Can show horses not solely owned by the amateur or their immediate family in Open or Adult Equitation classes or show in WHT Auxiliary or Trainers Family classes without jeopardizing their amateur status.
If an issue arises questioning the ownership, the owner must provide sufficient proof of purchase to the satisfaction of SHOW.
Definition of Assisting in Training of a Horse- includes any responsibility in the care of a horse at the training facility or at a horse show for remuneration, monetary or otherwise, directly or indirectly. This also includes but is not limited to assistance in leading horses through inspection, bracing, warming up and exercising.
Definition of Immediate Family –Spouse, child, stepchild, parent, step-parent, siblings, half-siblings, step-siblings, in-laws of the same relations, grandparents and grandchildren, legal ward or legal guardian.
4. Must not hold a membership accreditation with the Walking Horse Trainers Association or professional designation/membership with another HIO. EXCEPTION: Halter Professional- a person who shows at halter any horse for which he/she accepts remuneration for showing and training weanling, yearling, model and in hand horses. A Halter Professional can still show as an amateur in riding classes provided they do not accept remuneration for training or assisting in the training of under saddle horses.
To become eligible for reinstatement of amateur status, SHOW will follow the guidelines established by the WHTA.
1. Must not have reached his/her 18th birthday as of January 1 of the current year.
(Ex. If an exhibitor turns 18 on January 2nd the exhibitor is still eligible to show as a youth exhibitor for the remainder of the calendar year unless he/she shows in a class specified as an 18 & over class, in which he/she will no longer be eligible to show in youth classes.)
2. A youth exhibitor may compete in an amateur class, unless the class sheet/prize list specifies otherwise.
3. Any youth that is employed by a training facility or is assisting in training of a horse for remuneration, monetary or otherwise, directly or indirectly, is not eligible to show in the youth or amateur division on a horse that is not solely owned by the youth or their immediate family.
4. Any youth exhibitor 6-17 years of age who has an immediate family member that accepts remuneration, monetary or otherwise, either directly or indirectly for showing, training or assisting in the training of a horse, regardless of breed, can only show horses solely owned by themselves or the immediate family. Co-ownership, leases or co-leases on horses are not allowed for the youth exhibitor that is the immediate family of someone accepting remuneration as described above. EXCEPTION: Can show horses not solely owned by the youth or their immediate family in Open, Trainers Family classes or Equitation classes.
Definition of Assisting in Training of a Horse- includes any responsibility in the care of a horse at the training facility or at a horse show for remuneration, monetary or otherwise, directly or indirectly. This also includes but is not limited to assistance in leading horses through inspection, bracing, warming up and exercising.
Definition of Immediate Family –Spouse, child, stepchild, parent, step-parent, siblings, half-siblings, step-siblings, in-laws of the same relations, grandparents and grandchildren, legal ward or legal guardian.