By Jeffrey Howard

The 2010 show season kicked off in Marshall, Texas this past weekend for the Marshall Lions Club Horse Show.  The show, affiliated with the SHOW HIO, marked the first show judged under the new SHOW judging guidelines.  The SHOW HIO recently held its first Judges’ Applicant School in Lynchburg, Tenn.

A point of emphasis in 2010 for judges is the standard for non-compliant horses and the excusing of these show horses from the ring.  Judging in Marshall, Texas was Terry Stone.  Stone allowed a non-compliant horse to remain in the ring during the championship class on Saturday night and the SHOW HIO issued Stone a three-month suspension, per its new penalty matrix.

“All of our judges understand the importance we have placed on excusing the non-compliant horse from the show ring.  Each judge also knows the consequences for failing to uphold this duty while in center ring.  Terry Stone is a good judge and judged an otherwise very good horse show, however he knows he made a mistake,” said SHOW Director of Judges Rollie Beard.

The Walking Horse Report contacted Stone regarding the horse in question and the suspension levied by SHOW.  “I take full responsibility upon myself.  He (the horse) was non-compliant and I should have excused him,” said Stone. 

He continued, “I knew what the consequences were and I should have protected SHOW, Show Management and myself by excusing him.  I had my disqualification card filled out and he ran his horse off his feet and I decided not to turn the card in.”

“I was very happy with the horses at the show and I thought they were great.  The show went great, horses were presented great and I judged as I always do, from the saddle down,” concluded Stone.