Thank You! 

To our valued customers and friends: 

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your incredible support of our publication during the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration. We set an all time record for number of pages and copies printed and distributed and it would not have been possible without each and every one of you. 

During the Celebration we printed 868 pages and our staff met their ambitious goal while working on the Thursday, September 2 issue, our earliest success ever. And to cap off an incredible Celebration, our wrap-up issue dated September 20 was the largest issue in our 34 year history with 256 pages, including 116 pages of full color coverage.  On a personal level, the outpouring of concern and support for the physical challenges faced by Mary, Jennifer and myself says a lot about the people in this business and the special bond we all share. Mary is well on her way to getting her shoulder “unfrozen” but Jennifer and I are still looking at the possibility of surgery. (Jennifer – ruptured disc in her neck and myself – spinal stenosis). Keep your fingers crossed. 

The Report has many strengths and blessings but none more important than the continued patronage of all of you. 

We’ve got great employees, who continue to work incredibly hard to take care of our customers. 

And we’ve got great customers and friends, who are loyal to our publications and want to see us continue to succeed. 

So, I look forward to seeing all of you during the final quarter of this exciting year in our history and pledge to you that we will do an even better job in the future.   


David L. Howard
