TN Mounted Patrol Units Impressive On Tennessee Walking Horses!
Parade Kicks Off Alltech World Equestrian Games In Lexington, Ky.
Lewisburg, Tenn. - The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ & Exhibitors’ Association (TWHBEA) was well represented by three Tennessee mounted patrol units in the city of Lexington, Ky., at the “Celebrating the Equine Spirit” Parade on Sunday, September 26th and was the city’s kickoff for the Alltech World Equestrian Games.
Sergeant J.D. Harber, of the Nashville Metro Mounted Patrol, and his officers, Nicki Swisher, Mark Stockdale, and David Mizrany lead the contingent followed by the Rutherford County unit represented by Jon Levi, Troy Hooker, Jessica Stitt, and Kerry Nelson. Bedford County’s newly formed unit made a great showing, with Ernie Brewbaker, Bo DiPlacido, Steve Mills, and Leo Skelton.
The downtown Lexington streets were lined with cheering and screaming fans as Kentucky’s Governor Steve Beshear and the first lady, Jane Beshear were driven in the parade in an impressive, white, horse-drawn buggy. It was very evident that the state of Tennessee’s law enforcement Mounted Patrols were at the top of the field and have chosen the Tennessee Walking Horse as their choice of mount. TWHBEA would like to thank each department and their respective leaders for recognizing the importance of this event and would also like to thank each of these individuals for their service and commitment to excellence.