Walking Horse Report’s comprehensive new high point program that recognizes the horses that show and win all season long!
It all started with the belief that horses should be recognized for their performances throughout the year. Much like NASCAR or PGA Golf statistics, we thought people would like to know throughout the year who was winning where and how often, but we knew it would be a massive undertaking.
We began developing this high point database two years ago in an effort to collect, process and dispense the information in an understandable format. Twenty four months and thousands of hours later, we believe we have developed the most accurate, comprehensive program possible to recognize those horses that earn top ribbons throughout the year.
For the year 2003 alone, results were compiled from over 7,000 classes at the over 200 horse shows covered by the Walking Horse Report from 22 states across the country. Our database includes 9,134 horses with 7,221 different riders and 8,890 owners. Shows are classified as single, double or triple point shows. Points are awarded for three places in single point shows (shows judged by only one judge), five places in double point shows (shows judged by a panel of three or more judges) and all places in the triple point show, which is only the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration.
We tested and retested. We launched the live results before the 2003 Celebration and waited for your response. The interest in the program was overwhelming. We received more than a thousand e-mails the first day and have since received many thousands of e-mails with compliments, suggestions and clarifications.
We wanted the first presentation of the 2003 High Point Report in the Walking Horse Report to be outstanding. The entire issue is dedicated to the 2003 High Point Report and to the champions who have promoted this industry by showing successfully on a regular basis.
All Top Ten High Point Report Champions received a frameable certificate and a logo pin to recognize their accomplishment. We hope that they will proudly wear the logo pin as a lapel pin, a back number pin, or display it in their trophy case. Only top ten champions will have these pins. We also rewarded the High Point Report Grand Champions with stadium blankets personalized with their horse’s name and the category they won.
The 2003 High Point Report is online now, and you can review any of the categories, the horses and their show results, and how their points were earned at your leisure.
We are very proud of our new High Point Report. We hope you are too! Spend time reviewing who won in 2003 and remember, as soon as the shows start, the 2004 High Point Report will be online where you can check standings at any time. We will keep you updated in the Walking Horse Report of how each weekend’s activity changes the standings. It’s a whole new way to find out what’s going on in our industry.
We hope you enjoy the first keepsake edition of the Walking Horse Report! Don’t hesitate to give us your feedback about the High Point Report, and any suggestions for improvements we can make in 2004. E-mail us at [email protected].
Special thanks to the many, many people who helped make this High Point Report database possible. Specifically we would like to thank Brad Rezza, Sally Carver, Jennifer Pack, Marilyn Ware and the production staff of Dabora, Inc. for their hard work and dedication!
We did it!
Christy Howard Parsons