Two bus loads of 70 customers of the Wilson Bank & Trust from all over middle Tennessee visited the Celebration grounds and were given a tour by CEO Mike Inman. Inman gave them a tour of the grounds that concluded with a demonstration of a padded performance horse. He included the fact that The Celebration was the largest agricultural event in Tennessee and that Bedford County benefited since during the 10 days of the Celebration forty million dollars was brought into the county.

Trainer Jeff Green demonstrated the gait of the padded Tennessee Walking Horse with 17-year-old WC Ultra Copy’s Dark Shadow, owned by Pleasant Valley Farms. He recently won at the Petersburg Horse Show with a 14-year-old rider. The crowd enjoyed petting the gelding and three enjoyed the thrill of a Tennessee Walking Horse ride.

Eighty-four year-old Norma Shumate smiles after she rides WC Ultra Copy’s Dark Shadow. This was her first time on a padded walking horse and she had not ridden for seventy years.

“Chuck” loved the petting and walked toward anyone who held out a hand to him.