AZUSA, California - Members and guests of the Tennessee Walking Horse Association of California gathered November 16th at the El Encanto Restaurant in San Gabriel Canyon for the High Point Awards banquet and year-end general membership meeting.
Approximately 75 people met for the social hour and meal prior to the short business meeting, where the election of the 2003 officers and board of directors was conducted. The proposed slate as presented by the nominating committee was read, and, with no further nominations from the floor, the slate was approved by acclamation.
Bobbie Parady who will serve once again as president, received a token of appreciation from her out-going board. Susan Gordon was likewise honored in recognition of the time and effort spent designing and executing center ring decorations for all of the shows.
Bil Hartman announced the winners, who came forward to accept the handsome horse figure trophies selected by Harriet Cappuccio. Luke Benham and Adrian Guttierrez assisted with the award presentations.