As specified in Article IV, Section 3 of the TWHBEA Bylaws, the nominating committee made up of Debra Jack, Christy Lantis, Darden Gladney, Joe Rankin, and Tommy Hale met, reviewed the request sent in by the directors and submitted the required report to the Executive Committee on a conference call on Saturday November 14.

The following individuals were nominated for the 2009-2010 TWHBEA Executive Committee:
President     David Pruett, TN
Senior VP      Dee Dee Sale, TN
Adm/Fiscal/Audit     Rob Cornelius, AL
Breeders’ Division     Jack Heffington, TN
Enforcement Division     Kasey Kesselring, FL
Horse Show Division     Bruce Vaughn, OH
Marketing Division     Marty Irby, TN
Owners/Exhibitors Division     Stephen Brown, WA
Performance Horse Division     Ty Irby, AL
Pleasure Horse Division     Rick Wies, MT
Training Division     Wayne Dean, TN
Member at Large-ByLaws     Loyd Hall (Buster) Black, GA
Member at Large-Youth     Margo Urad, TX
Equine Welfare Committee     Dr. Linda Montgomery, AL
Secretary     Sharon Brandon