The TWHBEA World Versatility Championship show would have followed the WHOA International show due to the availability of a venue and taking precautions for the COVID-19 Virus. 18-19 August, the re-scheduled date, would prevent many youths from participating in the show because by that time schools would have resumed their instructional year.  TWHBEA wants as many as possible to have the ability to compete, and the show already contains over two dozen youth classes.

Many sponsors have already paid their pledge to TWHBEA for the show and they will happily refund the pledge money or if they may, transfer thei sponsorship to one of the other shows being conducted by TWHBEA this summer, or ask to hold your paid pledge to next year for the WVC 2021.

All pledges are being contacted now by Jane Moore, so please expect a call from her, if you haven't already received it.