Lewisburg, TN - The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ And Exhibitors’ Association (TWHBEA), first and foremost, is the official breed registry for the Tennessee Walking Horse. As such, TWHBEA’s primary responsibilities are to ensure that all Tennessee Walking Horses are properly registered and transferred, and to maintain the integrity of the registry. TWHBEA also publishes the Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse. And, when finances allow, the Association works to promote the Tennessee Walking Horse and the breed registry around the world. 

During difficult times, there is often a tendency to attribute, based on how other major breeds are organized, a certain level of overall authority to TWHBEA. However, the actual reality is that TWHBEA has NO authority over most areas of the breed, including the rules that govern horse shows, judging of horse shows, pre and post-show inspections and the licensing of Tennessee Walking Horse trainers. All of these areas are governed either by the various USDA certified horse industry organizations or by professional groups such as the Walking Horse Trainers’ Association, Walking Horse Owners’ Association, etc. TWHBEA’s rule-making and enforcement capabilities lie strictly in the area of the breed registry and the various marketing programs offered by the Association.

TWHBEA is unequivocal in its stance that horse abuse should not be tolerated in any area of the breed. To that end, the Association is committed to working with all of the other Tennessee Walking Horse industry organizations to ensure the welfare of each and every horse.