By Jeffrey Howard
LEWISBURG, Tenn. - The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders' & Exhibitors Association (TWHBEA) held its annual International Board of Directors meeting on December 4, 2010. Each year during the December meeting TWHBEA elects its upcoming year's executive committee.
The nominating committee, chaired by Brenda Carlon presented the following slate to the international board:
President: Kasey Kesselring
Senior Vice President: Margo Urad
Administrative/Fiscal/Audit: Rob Cornelius
Breeders Vice President: Kathy Zeis
Enforcement Vice President: Marty Irby
Equine Welfare Vice President: Dr. Jim Baum
Horse Show Vice President: Tracy Boyd
Marketing Vice President: Joyce Moyer
Owners/Exhibitors/International VP: Stephen Brown
Performance Show Horse Vice President: Tom Kakassy
Pleasure Horse Vice President: Rick Wies
Training Division Vice President: Wayne Dean
Member at Large/By Laws Vice President: Lloyd Hall Black, Jr.
Member at Large/Youth: Deborah Locke
Secretary: Sharon Brandon
Marty Irby declined the nomination for Vice President Enforcement thus leaving the spot open until nominations from the floor were received. Mike Hicks was nominated for the position and ran unopposed.
Nominations from the floor came in three positions, President, Equine Welfare and At-Large Youth. Irby was nominated for President, Dr. Linda Montgomery for Equine Welfare and Leslie Topham and Lisa Bowman Anderson for Youth.
Each candidate in the contested races was afforded three minutes to address the directors. All other positions were accepted by acclamation. In a tight race Irby beat Kesselring 34 to 30. Dr. Linda Montgomery beat Dr. Jim Baum 53 to 11 and Bowman Anderson beat Topham 36 to 26 with Locke receiving 2 votes.
The 2011 Executive Committee immediately took office and will conduct the 2011 TWHBEA business.