A momentous and noteworthy occurrence in the history of the association’s storied existence – the first woman was elected President of the 84-year-old breed registry. Margo Urad, of Rockwall, TX, took the reins as the incoming top officer.
Congratulations to Madam President, Margo Urad – a proud day for Texas, and historic time for our beloved breed association, TWHBEA®! You can soon (to be published) read a short bio on Margo, as well as see the other officers recently elected to the Executive board. (*denotes a non-voting member of the board.)
TWHBEA™ proudly announces the full election results of officers from the International Board of Directors on December 7, 2019, to serve as the 2020 Executive Committee.
Margo Urad – President
Mike Floyd – Sr. Vice President
Christy Lantis – Admin/Fiscal/Audit Vice President
Frances Bates – Marketing Vice President
Dee Cantrell – Breeders/Futurity Vice President
Thom Meek – Trainers’ Vice President
Dr. Bradley Woodruff – Owners/Exhibitors/International Vice President
Denise Rowland – Performance Horse Vice President
Kristen Reichard – Pleasure Horse Vice President
Chris Hazelwood – Youth Vice President
Robin Webb – Bylaws/Enforcement Vice President
Jim Heiting – Equine Welfare Vice President
*Walt Chism – Secretary/Registrar
*David Williams – Immediate Past President
TWHBEA™ was founded May 5, 1935, in Lewisburg, Tennessee in the southern hill-country of middle Tennessee by E. Burt Hunter and had 46 male presidents, before this election, preceding Ms. Margo Urad. The Tennessee Walking Horse© is a naturally gaited horse bred initially for versatility and stamina to work long hours and long days pulling plows, or wagons, or carrying riders. It is a closed registry, requiring all new foals to DNA qualify to its’ sire and dam. And, it is the premier mount for trail, endurance, field trial and pleasure riders.