FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - November 14, 2008
The TWHBEA Nominating Committee, consisting of Kim Bennett, Darden Gladney, Darren Gray, Tommy Hale and Joyce Moyer, met on Thursday, November 13, 2008 to review the applications for the 2008-2009 TWHBEA Executive Committee. A total of twenty-one (21) applications were submitted for consideration.
The following individuals were nominated for the 2008-2009 TWHBEA Executive Committee:
President: David Pruett, Tennessee
Senior Vice-President: Robert Thomas, Mississippi
VP Administrative/Fiscal: Mike Inman, Georgia
VP Breeders: Dee Dee Sale, Tennessee
VP Enforcement: Rick Womack, Tennessee
VP Horse Shows: Bill Stricklend, Alabama
VP Marketing: Kasey Kesselring, Florida
VP Owners'/Exhibitors': Kathy Zeis, Georgia
VP Performance Horse: Wayne Dean, Tennessee
VP Pleasure Horse: Diana McMurtrey, Florida
VP Training: Chris Bobo, Tennessee
VP Member at Large ByLaws: Debra Jack, BC, Canada
VP Member at Large Youth: Christy Lantis, California
Secretary: Sharon Brandon