by Stephanie Morton
SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. - It was the final Friday evening of the 77th Annual Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration. Keeping with tradition, Mr. Bud Seaton and Counterfeit Dollar displayed the nation’s grand colors. Rev. Bonita Monroe of Shelbyville, Tenn., gave a beautiful invocation to begin the evening. The Bedford Quartet gave a lovely rendition of the National Anthem. This evening was all about showing our appreciation of our current military and military veterans. Veterans proudly lined up around the big oval as spectators applauded in appreciation for their service. Judges Jennifer Bingham, Derek Bonner, David Landrum, David Sisk and Sam Sorrell preside over the evening’s performances. Serving as announcer was Mark Farrar, Jr., and playing the crowd’s favorite show tunes throughout the evening was Larry Bright.
Beginning another night of world grand championship performances were the Owner-Amateur Lady Drivers, Fine Harness Division A. This is always a crowd favorite class as the lady drivers are always dressed beautifully. Answering the gate call were five talented and classy teams. Judge Sorrell served as the call judge for the class. Claiming the first place honor was the ever classy and elegant team of Cash’s Baby Girl and owner Donna K. Head of Lewisburg, Tenn. This world champion team retired the Ruby Ewing Challenge Trophy this evening with their win in the same class last year. This talented team also claimed reserve honors earlier this season at the Woodbury Lions Club show. Reserve honors went to I’m Sky King and Jane Stiles for Jane and Ray Stiles of Kingwood, W.Va. Third award went to Titlest’s Grand Slam and owner Jean O’Brien.
Next to come to the ring was the B division of the Owner-Amateur Lady Drivers, Fine Harness. Four classy entries made their way into the big oval all in hopes of becoming the champions. Cheers and whistles filled the air as the crowd picked their favorite teams and cheered them on in blue ribbon style. Taking home the title was the team of Lined Royal Cash and Wilsene Moody-Kwok for CCJK Enterprises of Shelbyville, Tenn. Line Royal Cash has claimed two world championship honors earlier this season with Dr. Jack Kwok in the Owner-Amateur Gentleman’s Fine Harness and with trainer Bobby Hugh in the Fine Harness division. Reserve honors went to My Diamonds And Pearls and Julia Livingston for owner Linda Scrivner of Bell Buckle, Tenn. This talented mare also claimed the 2014 Reserve World Champion Owner-Amateur Lady Drivers, Fine Harness title. Third award went to Heart Attack’s Fast Beat and owner Danielle Ricker.
Eight talented teams answered the gate call for the Amateur-Amateur Riders on Walking Horses. Judge Bingham served as the call judge. This class is where an amateur rider rides in on the horse for the first way of the ring and switches riders on the reverse. Taking home top honors in this fun class of amateurs was the team of A Bit Of Change and Dee Broom Yoder along with her father Bill Broom for Dee Broom Yoder of Ooltewah, Tenn. This talented horse has also claimed the world championship title in the 15.2 & Under Mares class with trainer Justin Harris. Reserve honors went to Don Julio and the team of Alie and Tim Napier for Allie Napier. Don Julio claimed reserve honors at the Christmas In July show earlier this season. Rounding out the top three was An American Threat and the team of Barbara Corbett and Lynn Hickok for Ridgemont Farm.

Up next was the ever-exciting Owner-Amateur Five-Year-Old Walking Horses World Grand Championship. Judge Bonner served as the call judge. Five talented entries made the gate call. Making the spotlight ride in this impressive class was I’m Mayhem and Susan Coleman for JoAnn Dowell and Susan Coleman of Powell, Ohio and Shelbyville, Tenn. This talented stallion claimed the 2012 world grand championship title in the two-year-old division with SueAnn Dowell, 2014 four-year-old world grand championship title with Coleman and has enjoyed an undefeated season in 2015. Reserve honors in this highly competitive class went to Epic and Meghan Davis for Shamrock Farms and Mike Davis of Cincinnati, Ohio and Shelbyville, Tenn. Epic and Meghan claimed reserve world championship honors earlier this week in the Owner-Amateur Five-Year-Old Stallions class. Third award went to Greenspan and Mary Morrison for Andrew Morrison.
Seven entries answered the gate call for the Owner-Amateur Riders on Park Pleasure Walking Horses World Grand Championship. Judge Landrum served as the call judge. Making the unanimous spotlight ride to the tune of “Putting On The Ritz” was Lined Up At The Ritz and owner Lisa Baum of Shelbyville, Tenn. This world grand championship team has enjoyed an undefeated season in 2015, claiming top honors at the Columbia Spring Jubilee, Money Tree Classic and Parkers Crossroads shows. Reserve honors in this impressive class was BB King’s Jazz and Mikki Eldridge for Stephens & Womack of Grayson, Ky. This talented horse has claimed three world championship titles earlier this week with both owner Libby Stephens and trainer Mickey McCormick. Third award went to Mr. Jose Walks and Sister Milligan for Sister Milligan and Bobby and Kim Parker.
Next to enter the big oval was the Susan Gordon Memorial Owner-Amateur Riders on Walking Horses World Grand Championship. Four entries answered the gate call for this impressive class, with Judge Sisk serving as the call judge. Claiming this prestigious title and making the unanimous spotlight ride with back-to-back wins was owner Lisa Baum, this time aboard A Bruce Pearl. This newly crowned world grand championship team has also claimed top honors at the Spring Fun Show and Money Tree Classic show earlier this season. Reserve honors went to Play Something Country and owner Jeff Smith of Greer, S.C. Rounding out the top three was Sky Miles and Beth Sims for Beth and Blake Sims.
The Walking Horse Trainers’ Auxiliary Members on Walking Horses made their way to the big oval. Five top contenders answered the gate call for this very impressive class of horses and riders. Judge Sorrell served as the call judge. It was very clear who the crowd was for in this class as cheers of approval filled the air. Claiming the top spot was the team of Mr. Heisman and Kelly Arrington Mills for Randall and Sadie Baskin of Franklin, Tenn. This team walked away in blue ribbon style with the unanimous decision in this impressive class. Reserve honors went to Jose’s Cartel and owner Maria Bobo of Nashville, Tenn. Rounding out the top three was Puttin It On The Line and Sherry Bonner.
Up next were the Owner-Amateur Riders on Western Trail Pleasure Walking Horses World Grand Championship class. Six entries answered the gate call. Judge Bingham served as the call judge. While the class was being tied, country music artist Greg Bates performed one of his chart topping hits, “I Did It for the Girl.” Claiming the bragging rights, floral horseshoe and the unanimous world grand championship title was the team of Line Item Veto and owner Ashley Joseph Mezrano of Columbiana, Ala. Line Item Veto has won this class in 2013 and 2014 as well with Rachel Teague. This newly crowned world grand champion team has enjoyed an undefeated 2015 show season. Reserve honors went to Cazadores and owner Tamara Hader of Bainbridge, Ga. Third award went to Contemporary Jazz and Anne Evans for Evans and Cooper.

Making their way into the big oval next were the Trainers “Ride for the Roses” World Grand Championship contenders. This is one of the classes that get to be co-judged by the amateur judges. Amateur judges are chosen through a drawing of which any person 18-years-old and over may enter. Judge Bonner served as the call judge. Six top horse and rider teams answered the gate call. To be eligible for this class neither horse nor rider may have won a world grand championship prior to this class. Claiming their first spotlight ride and set of roses as a team was Knock ‘Em Ted and Bobby Hugh for very proud owner Jannie Chapman of Owens Cross Roads, Ala. Knock ‘Em Ted claimed a reserve world championship title with Chapman earlier this week in the Elite Owner-Amateur Lady Riders on Stallions. Reserve honors went to Speak Of The Master and Jeff Green for Donald Collins of Bell Buckle, Tenn. This talented horse claimed top honors at the Marshall County Horsemen’s Association show earlier this season. Third award went to Walkin Dollar and Scotty Brooks for Joe Bertram.
The inaugural class of Trail Pleasure Walking Horses, Four-Years-Old & Under World Grand Championship was next to enter the big oval. Five top entries answered the gate call. Judge Landrum served as the call judge. Making the spotlight ride was the team of Habanero and Hannah Pulvers for Lily Catherine Holland of Decatur, Ala. Habanero adds this world grand championship title to his world championship title in the Western Trail Pleasure Four & Under. Reserve honors went to My Black Cadillac and Laurie Toone for Allison Thorson of Huron, Ohio. My Black Cadillac has claimed three reserve world championship titles during the 2015 Celebration. Third award went to American Hustle and Candy Kluth.
Answering the gate call next were the Owner-Amateur Novice Riders on Novice Walking Horses World Grand Championship contenders. One of these 10 impressive riders strives to become a novice no more! Judge Sisk served as call judge. Whistles and cheers filled the air as riders reversed and got on the rail in a flat walk. A novice no more, the unanimous world grand championship spotlight landed on the team of Nine Carat Diamond and Brittany Baum for Jacob Baum for Shelbyville, Tenn. These newly crowned champions claimed world championship honors earlier last week with their first ever blue ribbon ride. Reserve honors went to He’s Shady In Black and owner Richard Donner. He’s Shady In Black claimed a world championship title earlier in the week in the Owner-Amateur Novice Gentlemen on Novice Stallions. Rounding out the top three was Jose’s Star Attraction and Carole Baxter for Lee and Carole Baxter.
Up next were the Lite-Shod Walking Horses, Four-Years-Old & Under World Grand Championship. Four young entries made the gate call, all in hopes of being the next world grand champion. Judge Sorrell served as the call judge. Making the unanimous spotlight ride for the second year in a row was Roscoe Jenkins and Jeff Laughlin for proud owner Susan Coleman of Unionville, Tenn. Roscoe Jenkins has enjoyed an undefeated season in 2015. Reserve honors went to Little Toy Gunn and Joe Lester for Christmas Creek Farm of Montverde, Fla. This talented young horse has claimed world championship honors earlier this week. The third place award went to I’m Majestic and Dr. Karen Baum for Jean and Dr. Karen Baum.
Eleven top contenders answered the gate call for the Owner-Amateur Youth Riders 12-17 Years on Walking Mares or Geldings World Grand Championship. Judge Bingham served as the call judge. Making their blue ribbon ride was Hot Texas Salsa and Thomas Derickson for Hodges & Derickson of Waco, Texas and Wartrace, Tenn. This talented adds this to their previous world championship honor captured in the Owner-Amateur Youth 15-17 Mares or Geldings class. Reserve honors went to A Cloudy Sky and Nathan Oliver for Darrell Oliver of Bowling Green, Ky. This talented young team has claimed reserve honors at such impressive venues as the Columbia Spring Jubilee and Christmas In July shows earlier this season. Rounding out the top three was Versace’s Dollar and Alexas Compton for Rick Compton.
Ten top entries answered the gate call for the Owner-Amateur Riders on English Country Pleasure Walking Horses World Grand Championship. Judge Bonner served as the call judge. Taking the unanimous spotlight ride was GiGi’s Majestic and Elysse Bradford for William Bradford of Dallas, Texas. This world grand championship team has enjoyed top honors earlier this season at the International, as well as earlier this week in the Owner-Amateur Youth English Country Pleasure class. Reserve honors went to Designer Champagne and owner Kimberly Coult of Magnolia, Texas and Shelbyville, Tenn. This team has had a phenomenal Celebration with a world championship, world grand championship, reserve world championship, and now reserve world grand championship. Picking up the yellow streamer was Dos Equis and Mackenzie Morgan for Mackenzie Morgan and Allison Thorson of Athens, Ala., and Murfreesboro, Tenn.

Being “Patriot Night”, next to enter the ring was Jeff Green aboard Pearl Gunn, and Herbert Derickson aboard Terror On The Boarder in a tribute to “Old Glory”. Both riders carried the American Flag under the spotlight going in opposite directions around the ring. Larry Bright played the tune of, “Dixie Land” while Greg Bates sang to the audience under the spotlight. Bob Honeycutt was the voice behind Old Glory. The crowd went wild with applause as Green and Derickson were given a tri-colored ribbon to display proudly. Bates closed out the ceremony singing “God Bless The USA.”
Taking to the big oval next were Walking Horses (Specialty) World Grand Championship contenders. Judge Landrum served as the call judge. Claiming the world grand championship title, honor and bragging rights was the team of Lester H. Burns and Ryan Blackburn for Martin Cox of Corbin, Ky. Lester H. Burns and Blackburn add this to their 2014 Trainers Ride for the Roses World Grand Championship. Reserve honors in this impressive class was Nino’s Category Five and John Allan Callaway for Dr. Barbara Moersch of Jacksonville, Ala. Nino’s Category Five and Callaway claimed world championship honors earlier this week in the Experienced Trainers 36 Years & Over. Rounding out the top three was He’s Made In The USA and Bill Callaway for Roy Wierenga.
Nine impressive entries made the gate call for the Owner-Amateur Riders on Two-Year-Old Walking Horses World Grand Championship. Judge Sisk served as the call judge. The crowd picked their favorite young team and cheered them on in world grand championship fashion. Making the spotlight ride in this highly competitive class of two-year-olds was the dynamic duo of Cottonwood Gin and Patti Pollack for S&P LLC of Saratoga, Calif. This impressive young gelding also claimed world championship honors in the A division of the Owner-Amateur Riders on Two-Year-Old Mares or Geldings. Reserve honors went to Hey, Tomcat and Carol Lackey for Lackey Properties, Inc. of Shelbyville, Tenn. Hey, Tomcat claimed world championship honors in the A division of the Owner-Amateur Two-Year-Old Stallions class. Rounding out the top three was Maroon 5 and Ruth Logsdon for Ronnie and Ruth Logsdon.
Closing out the evening was the Four-Year-Old Walking Horses World Grand Championship. Four top contenders answered the gate call for Call Judge Sorrell and his cohorts. The crowd came alive as these talented four-year-olds made one last pass. Making the final spotlight ride of the evening was The Iron Door and Herbert Derickson for Jim Finch of Maysville, Ky. This talented four-year-old claimed reserve honors at the Money Tree Classic earlier this season. Reserve honors went to Jose’s Starstruck and Charlie Green for Donnie and Charlotte Taylor of Rock Island, Tenn. Jose’s Starstruck claimed the reserve world championship honors earlier this week in the Four-Year-Old Stallions class. Rounding out the top three was Jose’s Power Broker and Keith Blackburn for Dan and Susan Erwin.