Editor's Note: The following is the body of an email to all HIOs sent from Dr. Rachel Cezar, Horse Protection National Coordinator, which clarifies the USDA Horse Protection Program's 2010 Points of Emphasis.
We are currently working on answering questions asked after the HIO conference call and will send them out as soon as we are able.
However, a lot of incoming calls have alerted me the need to clarify some misunderstandings regarding the 2010 Penalty Protocol established by USDA.
The 2010 Points of Emphasis must be included in all HIOs' enforcement procedures.
The 2010 Penalty Protocol established by USDA is a recommended penalty structure.
HIOs can implement their own penalty protocol; however, if the HIO implements USDA's recommended protocol penalty protocol or their own penalty protocol, to the extent that it effectuates the purpose of the Act and Regulation, USDA will not initiate a federal case against the violator.
Regardless of which penalty protocol is used by the HIO, USDA retains primary jurisdiction to pursue federal cases when it deems appropriate.
Also, any horse found in violation of the HPA or the regulations will be dismissed from the horse show, event, exhibition, auction, or sale.
This does include foreign substances, illegal shoeing, equipment, and heel-toe ratio violations.