Editor’s Note: The Walking Horse Report contacted USDA Horse Protection Coordinator, Dr. Rachel Cezar for her thoughts regarding the inspections at the 2010 Spring Fun Show. Below is the statement released to the Walking Horse Report by Dr. Cezar.
Yes I was in attendance at the Fun Show and was overall glad to see the professional working relationship between the SHOW DQPs and our VMOs. SHOW is improving in their enforcement of the HPA and we are glad they are willing to comply to the recommendations and respond to the concerns we bring to their attention.
Unfortunately, the practice of soring is still a great challenge within the whole walking horse industry. The Department is constantly working to prevent soring at all shows and sales, and we continue to work closely with all the HIOs and DQPs to ensure that no sored horses are allowed to participate.
Thank you for giving us an opportunity to comment.
Dr. Rachel Cezar