What A Horse and Jerry Harris are inviting anyone who would like to have input, volunteer, participate or learn more about the upcoming Walking Horse Exhibition to come to the Calsonic Arena conference room this Sunday, January 25th at 2:00PM.
The group first met on January 11, 2009 and discussed the format of the seminar and gauged interest and opinions from industry participants and veterinarians. The purpose of the seminar is to demonstrate to the public the many versatilities of the Tennessee Walking Horse and to better educate those in attendance on how the Tennessee Walking Horse achieves those versatilities.
The seminar will include presentations, demonstations of the many versatilities and educational opportunities. The seminar will be held February 20, 2009 in the Calsonic Arena at 9:00AM. Lunch will be provided by Prater's Barbeque.
Both What A Horse and Walking Horse Report are sponsors of the events. If you need more information or would like to become a sponsor of the seminar contact Jerry Harris at jerry@whatahorse.com.