Lexington, Ky. - Saturday, October 2, 2010 was the Tennessee Walking Horse Breed Appreciation Day at the International Equestrian Festival in Lexington, Ky. In the spotlight for the day, the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ and Exhibitors’ Association sponsored two breed demonstrations featuring TWHBEA Certified Riding Instructor Nicole Carswell. Nicole provided an informative and entertaining presentation about the breed while six-year-old Jackson Stevens and Dr. Leslie Perry-Collins rode World Champion Delight Silver Design. Jackson is the proud owner of this beautiful and talented gelding. The riders demonstrated all three gaits as Nicole discussed the unique qualities of the Tennessee Walking Horse and provided tips for the current and future walking horse owners in the crowd. Both demonstrations were well attended.
In addition to the Breed Appreciation Day activities, Nicole was scheduled to conduct demonstrations throughout the weekend, starting Thursday, September 30th and ending Sunday, October 3rd. Maggie Mae White and Sherry White were on hand to assist with the demonstrations on Thursday and Friday.
The International Equestrian Festival will run through October 10th at the Lexington Convention Center in downtown Lexington, Kentucky. Admission is only $5 and all walking horse enthusiasts are invited to stop by and visit the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ and Exhibitors’ booth at the event.